Corporate and Social Responsibility OLD

VGL aims to consider issues of social responsibility at all times in the way it operates and will be guided in decision-making by good ethics.

The continued success of our company is dependent upon employing the most qualified or suitable people and establishing a work environment that is free from any form of discrimination. VGL is committed to complying with all applicable UK laws and to ensure that there is no discrimination by any employee or director. VGL is committed to a work environment in which everyone is treated with respect, trust, honesty, fairness, and dignity.

VGL’s ISO 14001:2015 Environmental accreditation ensures we are complaint with all environmental laws and regulations and we are continually improving our systems, practices and products to reduce their impact on the environmental whilst being a good corporate neighbour to the local areas in which our plants are based.

VGL maintains a full HR system which covers, in detail, polices including:
  • Equal Opportunity
  • Health and Safety 
  • Working time and Minimum wage compliance 
  • Anti-Bribery
  • Anti-Slavery
  • Staff Welfare
  • Data Protection and Privacy 
  • Copies of which are available on request.