Environmental Policy

Driven by technology. Powered by hands-on experience. VGL is a family run digital print company with a reputation for quality and innovation. From the smallest label to the biggest brands, VGL has the print technology and materials know-how to tackle any project.

Our aim is to keep our customers happy by supplying them with the best quality print produced on the latest technology.

VGL recognise that our print operations have an effect on the local, regional and global environment. As a consequence of this, we are committed to continual improvements in environmental performance, the prevention of pollution wherever possible and the reduction of our impact on the environment. We have implemented an environmental management system which is accredited to the requirements of BS ISO 14001:2015.

VGL is committed to the protection of the environment.

The company ensures that all its activities are carried out in conformance with the relevant environmental legislation and to other relevant requirements to which we subscribe. The environmental regulations, laws and codes of practice will be regarded as setting the minimum standards of environmental performance.

The Environmental Policy applies to all our operations, including management, production premises, office services, printing, packaging, delivery and supply chain. Improvement objectives and targets will be set annually and will be regularly monitored and reviewed through our management meetings, internal audits and environmental KPI.

The policy is available to view via the VGL web site at www.vgl.co.uk

VGL Waste Hierarchy

In order to minimise waste VGL follow the Waste Hierarchy.


Selling more Environmentally Friendly products, such as fabrics and Non PVC alternatives.

Investing in the latest technology with cleaner ink systems.

Planning jobs correctly to reduce wastage.

Reduce energy wastage.

Using recyclable or biodegradable packing products.

Preparing for re use

Using spares of material for actual print jobs to save ordering new materials.

Re use wooden pallets and packaging for VGL deliveries.


Recycling all card from materials bought in and card/paper used in production.

Recycling as much vinyl, fabric and plastic waste at all sites as possible. 

Promote end user recycling where appropriate.

Other recovery

All other waste is burnt for electricity, no waste goes to landfill.

Carbon offsetting via Carbon Neutral Britain


Inks disposed of by Waste company. 

Electrical equipment collected and disposed of by WEE registered company.

As part of the ongoing business plan VGL will continue to work towards moving items from the bottom of the hierarchy to other higher levels in the system.