8 Years of Zero Waste to Landfill.
8 Years of Zero Waste to Landfill.
46,000 sqm of liner recycled via Metamark Metastream pa.
46,000 sqm of liner recycled via Metamark Metastream pa.
46% of Energy from Renewable Sources.
46% of Energy from Renewable Sources.
>1/3 of Waste is Re-used or Recycled.
>1/3 of Waste is Re-used or Recycled.
Committed to a Circular Economy.
Committed to a Circular Economy.
70% of Fleet Vehicles Electric or Hybrid.
70% of Fleet Vehicles Electric or Hybrid.
Enhanced Branding.

Neon inks leave a lasting impression on viewers.

Captivating Graphics.

Create mesmerising images with high definition and pops of colour.

Night Time Visibility.

Particularly effective in low-light or night time environments.

Visual Hierarchy.

Use strategically to highlight details and direct the viewer's attention.

Limitless Creativity.

Dream in neon and design something magical.

Unparalleled Creativity
Unparalleled Creativity

Neon inks, tactile printing, eco-friendly graphics – leave a lasting impression on viewers.

Research & Development
Research & Development

Innovation and inspiration are what sets VGL apart in the large format print industry.

Design Exploration
Design Exploration

Willing to take calculated risks to experiment with unconventional ideas in printing.

Technological Expertise
Technological Expertise

Pushing the boundaries of what is possible and driving advancement across the print industry.

Consultative Scoping
Consultative Scoping

Creating ambitious, yet achievable, briefs that anticipate the needs of your customers.

Rigorous Execution
Rigorous Execution

Adhere to a set of principles and practices that ensure the highest level of quality and accuracy.

Enhanced Visual Appeal.

Add depth, dimension and allure to printed materials.

High Level of Realism.

Convincingly similar to naturally occurring textures.

Endless Customisation.

Experiment with various textures, patterns and effects.

Sensory Engagement.

Textured inks evoke multi sensory experiences beyond sight.

Standout Marketing.

Uniquely memorable compared to standard printed materials.

Durability and Longevity.

Weather-proof and resilient for a multitude of applications.

Enhanced Sensory <br>Experience
Enhanced Sensory
Lightweight <br>Material
Environmentally <br>Friendly
Indoor & Outdoor <br>Application
Indoor & Outdoor
Simple  to<br> Install
Simple to
Easy to <br>Clean
Easy to
70% of Fleet Vehicles Electric or Hybrid
70% of Fleet Vehicles Electric or Hybrid
Carbon Neutral Business
Carbon Neutral Business
8 Years of Zero Waste to Landfill
8 Years of Zero Waste to Landfill
Quality Assured
Quality Assured
Investing in Technology
Investing in Technology

Plan for Better.

Planning for better is not a one-time project; it's an ongoing process. Our adaptability to changing circumstances allows us to remain competitive and deliver better value to our customers. By continuously seeking to enhance quality, efficiency and effectiveness, VGL remains dynamic and can thrive as a leader in large format print, considerate of its impact on the world.

New Build Branding
New Build Branding
In Service Rebrands
In Service Rebrands
Sustainable Graphic Solutions
Sustainable Graphic Solutions
Secure Client Fleet Portal
Secure Client Fleet Portal
Warranty & Aftercare
Warranty & Aftercare
Nationwide Installation Network
Nationwide Installation Network